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What are GPS jammers and how do you fight them?

A white car GPS tracking lost due to GPS jammer

More and more businesses are implementing GPS tracking in their management system as it will help to track cars, trucks, and other assets to improve productivity, safety, and fleet optimization. Individuals also use GPS tracking to enhance their safety and security. We gladly share locations through WhatsApp or another social device for food or product delivery. But everyone is not the same and uses GPS jammers to interfere and stop GPS signals.

GPS Jammers are simple transmitter devices that can conceal one’s location by broadcasting radio signals on the same frequency as GPS satellites. This interferes with GPS signals and prevents receivers from functioning correctly. Even though they are small in size and portable they can easily overwhelm the relatively weak GPS signals from space. Read more about GPS Accuracy

What are the Different types of GPS Jammers?

There are seven types of GPS jammers and based on function and effectiveness they vary.

Noise Jammers: As the name says they broadcast noise signals and cause problems with GPS frequencies.

Sweep Jammers: Rapidly sweep across a range of frequencies including GPS bands and cause major problems in GNSS frequencies

Spoof Jammers: Spoof jammers spoof the GPS signals and trick receivers into making false positions.

Pulse Jammers: Emit short, powerful bursts of interference, making them harder to detect.

Narrowband Jammers: Target specific GPS frequencies with concentrated power.

Broadband Jammers: Disrupt a wide range of frequencies simultaneously, affecting multiple GNSS systems.

Smart Jammers: Use advanced algorithms to adapt their jamming strategy based on the environment.

GPS jamming was first started in the military as a counter to GPS-guided missiles and bombs. With the development of technology, it became widely available for civilians; this led to illegal uses in theft and other criminal activities. Also, note that using GPS jammers is illegal in many countries like the US, Canada, and the UK.

Jammers are placed close to installed GPS trackers and are connected to the automotive auxiliary power outlet. They can disrupt the reception of the GPS satellite signal over a 5 to 10-meter radius.

Why Are GPS Jammers Used?

Even though it is illegal, many people use GPS jammers. Some say they use jammers as a tool to enhance privacy as they have a constant fear of their vehicle or assets or themselves being tracked. And this isn’t helping them either as they are living in constant fear, they should seek police officers’ help if they have any fear of being tracked.

We have seen some drivers use jamming devices to avoid speeding tickets. Cheating in GPS-monitored activities is a common thing a company driver or sales officer prevents the employer from knowing where they are going on work time or with a work vehicle.

How to Combat GPS jammer

Fighting GPS jamming needs an all-approach. Start by monitoring the loss of GPS functionality in an area. Using specialized equipment like spectrum analyzers, GPS simulators, and specialized jammer detectors can help detect GPS-jammed areas. By using an anti-jam antenna that can filter out interference and ensure adaptive filtering, users can help GPS receivers maintain accurate positioning.

There needs to be strict enforcement of laws prohibiting jammer use and sale. Informing the general public about the illegality and dangers of GPS jamming and training for law enforcement and security personnel is a must to fight against GPS jamming.